Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Don't even think about it!

The doctor visit yesterday went as planned. Him telling me to try another medicine, and me saying "no". He wants to focus on his spitting up, and I want to focus on his gassiness (which I why I think he wakes so much at night.) So, I am trying 3 days of lactose free formula only (no breastmilk) to see if that helps. Sometimes babies cannot digest the natural sugars in breastmilk, causing them to be very gassy. If that is they case, we shall know by Friday. It is such a pain having to give him formula for all feedings, because I still have to pump! If he is not better by Friday, I will resume breastfeeding, so I don't want my supply to drop from now until then. It also stinks having to pump in the middle of the night, but I hope this will give us a little more insight and after this experiment, then the doctor said we could see the GI doctor.
Preston is going through a bit of separation/stranger anxiety lately. He cries at an unfamiliar face, and looks for mom and dad when someone else is holding him. He is also going through separation anxiety. If I even THINK about setting him down, the tears start to flow. He gives me this "don't you even think about it" look, thus leading to lacking productivity during the day, as I always have to have a baby on me. If  I do end up setting him down, the cries start and if I walk away, the screaming ensues. What a stinker. Reese never really got like this, guess he just like cuddles!
We fly down to Indy on Friday to begin house hunting. We are set up with a realtor down there, and have been scrounging the internet for houses we like. She is setting them all up for us, so all we have to do is arrive, and go looking. We will be looking all day Saturday, 1/2 day on Sunday (since its the Super Bowl), and 1/2 day on Monday, while flying back Tuesday morning. Monday morning Kyle's new company set us up with a tour/orientation of Indy- giving us a guided tour for a couple hours of the city, places to eat/shop, and giving us all the information we will need to live/get around. Should be fun! Hopefully we can get our list narrowed down this trip, and then next time we visit, we can make a decision after seeing them for a second time possibly. Only time will tell...wish us luck! Going to be hard leaving the kiddos for 4 days (I have never left either one that long), but I can't imagine taking them with, they will have so much more fun with Nana (my mom)!!! Good thing we have Skype :)

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