Tuesday, June 26, 2012

31 weeks

Week 31 is in full swing, and I had another ultrasound today to make sure he is doing well. He is measuring about 4 lbs. 4 oz, and is in the 68th percentile for growth. So, he is a little above average. No concerns at all, and he is a healthy little baby. It is always neat to see him, but this time, I got to see all of his hair growing!! The sonogram tech pointed out all the "fussy hairs" on his head, and said he has quite the head full already. Looks like he is going to take after his big sister, and come out with lots of it! For work and scheduling reasons, I asked the doctor last week at my 30 week appointment that is this ultrasound came back ok, if I could skip the last one (or maybe 2, depending on delivery date). But she said no. So it looks like I will for sure have one more at week 35, and possibly one at 39 (if needed).
I have also started having the ever-so-common Braxton Hicks contractions. Just a little tightening in my abdomen letting me know labor is soon approaching. I have been noticing some discomfort as he seems to be getting lower and lower into my pelvis, and the ultrasound confirmed that today. He is head down and lying right down on my bladder. Makes for some uncomfortable nights of sleeping, but nothing too bad.

Speaking of sleeping, Reese is still in the trend of waking up every 3 nights or so. It is almost like clockwork. Last night, she pulled every trick in the bag. First she wanted to go to mommy's bed-not happening! Then, she wanted the night light on- ok. Then, she wanted medicine- um, no. I didn't think at this point she was in pain. And her final attempt 1 1/2 hours into it, was wanting to go downstairs- no way jose! After 4 trips into her room, her crying on and off for 1 1/2 hours, she finally let go and went back to sleep. Mind you, this is happening every 3 or 4 nights. Some nights, I have let her go crying on and off for an hour before even going into her room. Moms out there, any advice??? I have no clue what is going on. I keep thinking that she knows things are changing (a baby is on the way) and she is literally attached to my body throughout the day. I don't know if she wakes up and just wants to make sure I am still there, or what. But it sure stinks! After a month of this already, I am ready for this phase to pass!! I have ruled out teething, growing pains, nightmares, hunger, thirst, etc. I don't think any of these happen every 3 or 4 nights, right?

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