Monday, June 18, 2012

No way, jose!

This past Saturday we headed up to the Dells to go to Noah's Ark for the day with Kyle's brother, wife, and 2 girls. It was a little cloudy/rainy in the morning, but turned out to be a wonderful day in the afternoon! Reese LOVES water, and she went to Noah's Ark once last summer too, so we thought she would be in heaven this year. No way, jose! Her day started out rough and didn't improve. First, Kyle took her down a slide right after we got there, and that scared her off the bat. So I decided to take her to the kiddie pool so she could just swim in there. Well, she went running in the water, tripped, and went under the water head first for a few seconds before I could get over to scoop her up. The look of terror on her face was priceless when I picked her up. She choked up a bit of water, and the tears started flowing. After that, there was NO WAY that girl was stepping foot back into the water (granted, we had only been there maybe 20 minutes at this point!!!) So, she was a crab all day. She whined, cried, and fought a stroller nap. But, everyone else had fun so it was still a winning situation.

Yesterday we celebrated Father's Day down in Illinois. Kyle worked away all afternoon on his car (at his parents house), Reese played with her cousins there, and I went down to my parents for a few hours in their pool. A great day had by all!

I had my 30 week dr. appt today and everything is great. Blood pressure and weight are good, baby's heartbeat was around 140 (good), and I am measuring at 30 weeks. Right on track. I have another ultrasound next week, and if that one is all clear, I may be able to cancel the rest of them up until my due date. He seems to be growing fine and everything else is great, so my doctor isn't too concerned about the cord placement anymore.

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