Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Now or Never

The time has come to shed the last of this baby weight I am still holding on to (about 8 lbs). Things have definitely fallen into different places since Reese was born :) With a little motivation from my cousin, Elyse, who is doing weight watchers and is very successful, I have decided to jump on the wagon and do it as well.

I researched in online, and for a VERY affordable price, I became a member. I signed up for 3 mo, and hope to reach my goal weight by then. I actually hope to lose most of it in the next 7 weeks in preparation for my Florida trip :) I also went for my first run (outside) yesterday in about a year and a half. YIKES, I sure have gotten out of shape! I am not looking to lose a ton of weight, just want to get back to my pre-baby weight and hopefully feel good again in my clothes (and bathing suit) :) I debated doing weight watchers or just joining a gym, but with this I can actually track what I eat, get healthy, affordable recipes, and work out on my time when I have Kyle to be here with Reese. It just makes more sense for me (and it is actually much cheaper per month than a gym membership). So, let the quest begin. Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for you! I too have debated the Weight Watchers question...I'll see how you like it, and then might give it a shot! So far, so good with the personal trainer. I just needed a swift kick in the rear to get my metabolism jump-started.
