Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mom's Night Out

Well, sort of. That is how is started :) Last night some of our friends had a dinner party. Kyle decided to stay home with Reese and I went with a girlfriend of mine. It was nice to get out and be "baby free" for a few hours, and I was looking forward to some yummy glasses of wine and a delicious dinner. During dinner (around 9 pm, I had been there since 7), Kyle called my phone. I answered only to hear Reese screaming in the background and not being able to hear what Kyle was saying. All I could make out was "there is puke everywhere" and I told him I'd be right home. We only live about 5 minutes away, so I packed up a "to-go" bag of some delicious prime rib, and headed home. I didn't know what I was walking in to!
Kyle was bathing Reese and I went into her room to find her crib sheet covered in puke. UH! When her bath was done, I was holding her, and she began to puke again, over the tub this time. I don't think I have ever felt more helpless, there was nothing I could do to make her feel better :( Kyle then rocked her while I called a nurse on-call. She told me it was actually perfect timing for her to get sick, because they recommend waiting one hour from the last vomiting to put anything in her stomach, and then spoon feed clear liquids 1 tsp every 5 minutes for 8 hours so she doesn't get dehydrated!!! If she fell asleep though, let her sleep it out and don't wake her to feed her.By the time I got back upstairs, she was asleep in Kyle's arms. I laid her in her crib, and there she slept, the rest of the night. Thank goodness. She awoke this morning with a smile on her face, and ate some rice cereal for breakfast. She is not quite back to herself today, but no puking. She did have a little diarrhea, but not much. Now I'm just praying Kyle and I don't get it!

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