The month of September is a very busy month for Kyle. He is traveling all over (Kansas City, Nebraska, Mexico, the East Coast, and possibly Chile) for work. Reese and I are adjusting this week to being by ourselves :) Kyle left early yesterday morning for Kansas City and will return tomorrow afternoon. Each week he is traveling somewhere else. As I am used to having another hand around the house at night, let's just say I was exhausted last night. That might also be in part to Reese only sleeping for about 2 hours total yesterday (and not being very happy while awake). I give BIG props to all the single mothers out there, it is alot of hard work to do on your own. But, we are managing. My friend Jennie watched Reese for a little while this morning while I ran to the mall to use some gift cards I had and enjoyed some time to myself.
Reese has been adjusting to being awake more during the day. Yesterday she was SO tired and fought sleeping all day, resulting in me rocking her for most of the day. As soon as I would put her down, she would fuss and cry. Just not comfortable yesterday. Today has been going much better so far. Not much on tap for this week. Reese took her first trip to the zoo this past Saturday. We saw all the animals (well I did, she slept the whole time). We went with my friend and her 18 mo old, Ada. Ada had a great time! It was a nice day and and good to get out of the house without the humidity and bugs!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
1 month old
Here is Reese's 1 mo picture
-Turning her head back and forth on her own
-Responding to familiar voices
-Tries to "find" the person talking in the room
-Smiles at us when we talk to her
-Lifts her head off of our chests
-Sleeping for less time, and being awake more during the day
-Making lots of "baby noises"
-Stares at patterned/high color contrast toys for long periods of time
-Loves to watch the ceiling fans go around and around
-Does not like bath time, hope that changes as Daddy and Mommy love water!
-Loves to be swaddled
-Only really cries when hungry, tired, or has a wet diaper (lets hope it stays this way!)
-Still eats every 2-3 hours during the day, and every 3-4 hours at night
I retired her first outfit that was too small earlier this week, and I cried. For some reason, putting away her newborn outfits that are now too small made me realize how big she is already getting! I want her to stay my tiny little baby forever!! :) I am sad that she is growing so fast, but I am so excited for all the new things she will be doing this next month. Today was the first time she actually smiled at me on purpose when I was talking to her. It melted my heart :) I got a little photography bug in me today, and here are her tiny little feet...
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Reese's Shower
Cousins- Aidan 2 1/2, Aubrey 5 mo, Reese 1 mo.
My high school and college girlfriends at the shower.
We headed down to IL last Thursday for a weekend at Nana and Poppa's. My sister and her two kids (Aidan 2 1/2 and Aubrey 5 mo) also joined us on Thursday night. The kids spent the night getting to know each other, since Reese had never met them before! I also got in my full dose of playing with my little buddy Aidan. He sure is a mover, and wont slow down until someone tells him to :) My sister sure does have her hands full! Friday we spent the day relaxing at my parents house and preparing for my friends visit to town for Reese's shower on Saturday.
Saturday morning we got ready for the shower, and 4 of my girlfriends from college came over to meet Reese before the shower. I loved watching them interact with her and meeting her for the first time. We headed to the shower that afternoon and had a fabulous time. Good food, great friends, and such a generous group of people. We got a ton of nice things that will be put to use in our house. From clothes, monitors, a pack n play, and even a picnic table for Reese when she gets older. We are so grateful for everything. Thanks Courtney and Kelsey for a fabulous afternoon!
Saturday was dedicated to girls night out! I warned Kyle before hand that I would be pumping so there would be enough milk for him to do the night feedings on Sat. night, something that has never happened before. 10 of my closest friends and I went out to eat at an Italian restaurant and then headed to the bar next door for a few drinks. I was home by 11, but still gave Kyle the honors of the night feedings :) And wouldn't you know it, she slept great. She woke at 3 and 7 to feed....daddy got lucky.
Sunday we laid in the pool and enjoyed the summer heat. It was such a nice day out. Aidan showed me a few of his moves he learned at swimming lessons, and Aubrey floated around in a little raft, content as can be. She is such a great little baby, and smiles constantly :) You say one thing to her and her smile just melts your heart! Reese got some alone time with Poppa inside while we all relaxed out by the pool. I had so many helping hands this past weekend it was great! My sister helped give her a bath, my mom helped feed and change her, and Aidan gave her lots and lots of kisses. We will be back together again in October for Reese's baptism.
This week I have set out to start making baby food to stick in the freezer until Reese is ready to eat it (6 mo or so). My mom gave me fresh peaches so I got those done last night. I picked green beans out of our garden, and am going to tackle those this afternoon. I also plan on doing sweet potatoes and squash. I must take advantage of all the fresh fruits and veggies this summer instead of buying them this winter to do it, and I'm sure when I go back to work in October, the last thing I am going to want to do is come home and make baby food :)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Big 2-5
Today I turn a quarter of a century old. Yes, 25. Reese gave me the best present of all last night, sleeping 4 hours in between all of her feedings and going right back to sleep after she was done eating. Something that has not happened very often at all! I fed her at 10 pm last night, and woke up at 11, 12, and 1. She was still asleep. Hmm, I checked her breathing just in case :) She woke up at 2 to eat and then again at 6. Wow, what a nice nights sleep. I feel so much more rested today. Kyle said he told her it was my birthday, so that was her present to me. I think we should tell her it is my birthday everyday :)
Kyle surprised me with flowers this morning and shirt from Express. He knows me well :) I also have surprise coming tonight he said, so I'll update you later on that.
I have enjoyed the day thus far. Reese and I took a walk this morning with our neighbor and her daughter, and we have been enjoying the nice weather outside. I also started packing for the weekend. We are headed back to IL tomorrow for my baby shower on Saturday. All of my high school and college friends are coming into town, so it will be so nice to see everyone and have them meet Reese. My sister and her family will also be back, and I can't wait for them to meet Reese either. Reese will be worn out after the weekend, hopefully :) I know I will be!! That's ok though, it will be a fun filled weekend with family and friends!
Kyle surprised me with flowers this morning and shirt from Express. He knows me well :) I also have surprise coming tonight he said, so I'll update you later on that.
I have enjoyed the day thus far. Reese and I took a walk this morning with our neighbor and her daughter, and we have been enjoying the nice weather outside. I also started packing for the weekend. We are headed back to IL tomorrow for my baby shower on Saturday. All of my high school and college friends are coming into town, so it will be so nice to see everyone and have them meet Reese. My sister and her family will also be back, and I can't wait for them to meet Reese either. Reese will be worn out after the weekend, hopefully :) I know I will be!! That's ok though, it will be a fun filled weekend with family and friends!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
A Curse or a Lesson Learned?
Yesterday we headed down to Winslow so Reese could meet more family members and experience her first Winslow River Days. The parade started at noon, right about the time in which Reese decided to eat. So we missed the parade, which our two nieces were in. Perfect timing as usual :) With it being so hot out yesterday, it was probably a good thing she was not out in the sun/heat. Many family members/friends came over to Kyle's house yesterday afternoon to meet Reese. I am pretty sure she was in some one's arms from 1-6 pm yesterday (spoiled little girl!!). She met family friends, her two great grandmas, cousins, second cousins, and Kyle's godparents. A very busy afternoon!
During River Days they have a beer tent and band at night. Julie (Kyle's mom) graciously offered to watch Reese for a few hours last night so Kyle and I could enjoy some adult time together. So I fed her at 8 and she fell right asleep. I knew I would only be out a couple of hours, and they only live 1 block away from the park, so I did not have hard time leaving. After a couple cocktails, I decided to head home around midnight. When I walked in, Reese was still asleep!! 4 hours later!! So, she woke around 12:30 and I fed her, and put her to bed. I figured with such a long, busy day, this girl was going to be out for most of the night. WRONG. Of course, when mommy does not go to bed until 1 am and had a few drinks, this little girl decides to wake up at 3 and not go back to sleep until 7!!! I thought to myself "Is this the motherly curse?" "Does she know I left her and she is re-paying me now in the wee hours of the morning?" Ugh, what a long, exhausting night. I was prepared for a nice night out with friends (which was had) but was not prepared to be up until 7 am. I didn't even do that in college!! So, around 7:30, I woke Kyle, who had many more cocktails than mommy :), and didn't get home until around 2 am, and said "Your turn!" :) Not such a fun night/morning for either of us. It might be a while again before I/we stay out until midnight or after. Lesson learned.
During River Days they have a beer tent and band at night. Julie (Kyle's mom) graciously offered to watch Reese for a few hours last night so Kyle and I could enjoy some adult time together. So I fed her at 8 and she fell right asleep. I knew I would only be out a couple of hours, and they only live 1 block away from the park, so I did not have hard time leaving. After a couple cocktails, I decided to head home around midnight. When I walked in, Reese was still asleep!! 4 hours later!! So, she woke around 12:30 and I fed her, and put her to bed. I figured with such a long, busy day, this girl was going to be out for most of the night. WRONG. Of course, when mommy does not go to bed until 1 am and had a few drinks, this little girl decides to wake up at 3 and not go back to sleep until 7!!! I thought to myself "Is this the motherly curse?" "Does she know I left her and she is re-paying me now in the wee hours of the morning?" Ugh, what a long, exhausting night. I was prepared for a nice night out with friends (which was had) but was not prepared to be up until 7 am. I didn't even do that in college!! So, around 7:30, I woke Kyle, who had many more cocktails than mommy :), and didn't get home until around 2 am, and said "Your turn!" :) Not such a fun night/morning for either of us. It might be a while again before I/we stay out until midnight or after. Lesson learned.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Nana Time
Nana Albers came up to visit us on Sunday and took off last night. We had such a good time while she was here! She was SO helpful around the house. She washed our windows, did laundry, worked on our landscaping, vacuumed, made dinner, and picked up the house for us. It was so nice having extra hands here since Kyle has gone back to work. Today, I am on my own again, but it is going just fine :) She also got in snuggle time with Reese, which in my opinion, was the most important :)
Updates on Reese:
We are sleeping a little better at night. We went a few nights in a row where I would feed her in the middle of the night, and she would be WIDE awake after feeding time. That little girl did NOT want to go back to bed. I followed all the advice I have read about night feedings (keep the lights dim, do not speak to the child/or let alone make eye contact, etc.) to keep them as sleepy as possible. None of that seemed to work. So, two nights ago, I decided after being up with her an hour after she was done feeding to put her in her bouncy seat (which vibrates) and see how that worked. Ah ha, I found something that works! As soon as I put her in her seat, buckle her in, and turn on the vibrator, eyes go shut. Magic! I know they say you are not supposed to have the baby sleep anywhere but a crib or bassinet, but at this point, I am going to let her sleep wherever she is most comfortable (and safe). So, she has been resting for 2 or so hours in her seat until the next feeding. At this point, around 5 am, she eats, and then will go back to sleep in her bassinet. It is just that 2:00 feeding where she is wide awake and ready to play. A habit we are in the process of breaking!
She is continuing to eat well, every 2 hours during the day, and about every 3 at night. Her eyes are open much more now that the first week we had her home, and she makes the funniest facial expressions at us! I can already tell she is growing. She feels a little heavier when I pick her up! We have not been able to get outside and go on any walks because of the heat and bugs! The mosquitoes are SO bad. You get bit multiple times the minute you set foot out the door. So, we have been avoiding all that by staying indoors. We did go to the mall yesterday with my mom, and it was nice to get out for a while. With her being three weeks old this Saturday already, my mind dreads the thought of going back to work in 9 weeks. 3 has gone by so fast already, as I'm sure the next 9 will. :(
Updates on Reese:
We are sleeping a little better at night. We went a few nights in a row where I would feed her in the middle of the night, and she would be WIDE awake after feeding time. That little girl did NOT want to go back to bed. I followed all the advice I have read about night feedings (keep the lights dim, do not speak to the child/or let alone make eye contact, etc.) to keep them as sleepy as possible. None of that seemed to work. So, two nights ago, I decided after being up with her an hour after she was done feeding to put her in her bouncy seat (which vibrates) and see how that worked. Ah ha, I found something that works! As soon as I put her in her seat, buckle her in, and turn on the vibrator, eyes go shut. Magic! I know they say you are not supposed to have the baby sleep anywhere but a crib or bassinet, but at this point, I am going to let her sleep wherever she is most comfortable (and safe). So, she has been resting for 2 or so hours in her seat until the next feeding. At this point, around 5 am, she eats, and then will go back to sleep in her bassinet. It is just that 2:00 feeding where she is wide awake and ready to play. A habit we are in the process of breaking!
She is continuing to eat well, every 2 hours during the day, and about every 3 at night. Her eyes are open much more now that the first week we had her home, and she makes the funniest facial expressions at us! I can already tell she is growing. She feels a little heavier when I pick her up! We have not been able to get outside and go on any walks because of the heat and bugs! The mosquitoes are SO bad. You get bit multiple times the minute you set foot out the door. So, we have been avoiding all that by staying indoors. We did go to the mall yesterday with my mom, and it was nice to get out for a while. With her being three weeks old this Saturday already, my mind dreads the thought of going back to work in 9 weeks. 3 has gone by so fast already, as I'm sure the next 9 will. :(
Here is her two week picture: 8/7/10

Sunday, August 8, 2010
Happy Anniversary
Happy Anniversary to my husband Kyle! We made it through the first year, and I am looking forward to many more.
Last year on this day, I don't think either one of us imagined being new parents on our first anniversary, but neither of us would have it any other way. Not too much is planned for the day. It seems like that is everyday with a newborn. Feedings every two hours, diaper changes, and rocking her to sleep consumes our days now. Not much is going to change today :) We will just relax and enjoy our day as a family.
Below is a picture from our wedding day one year ago. It was pushing 100 degrees, hotter than heck, and humid too. It rained all morning long, but the sun came out for us around 1 pm, just in time for picutres. It was a great day, one we will remember forever!
Last year on this day, I don't think either one of us imagined being new parents on our first anniversary, but neither of us would have it any other way. Not too much is planned for the day. It seems like that is everyday with a newborn. Feedings every two hours, diaper changes, and rocking her to sleep consumes our days now. Not much is going to change today :) We will just relax and enjoy our day as a family.
Below is a picture from our wedding day one year ago. It was pushing 100 degrees, hotter than heck, and humid too. It rained all morning long, but the sun came out for us around 1 pm, just in time for picutres. It was a great day, one we will remember forever!
Friday, August 6, 2010
2 weeks old
Reese will be two weeks old tomorrow, already! We had her two week check-up today. Last Thursday at our appointment, she weighed 7 lbs 15 1/2 oz. One week later, she weighs 8 lbs. 10 oz.! I could tell she was getting a little heavier, and she is eating like a little piggy :) She is in the 69th percentile for weight. She is also 21 inches long (79th %tile) and her head is 35.7 cm (47th %tile). So, she is a healthy little baby. Her hands and her feet have been peeling this past week, but the doctor said that is normal, and should subside within the next week or so. Our next appointment isn't until her 2 month check-up.
Kyle will be going back to work full time on Monday, and my mom will be coming up for a few days to help around the house. She has already volunteered to wash our windows, which hasn't been done for a long time so that will be nice. It has been nice having Kyle around these past two weeks to help out, and give me some time to shower/nap. That time is coming to its end though, and it will be Reese and I for the next 10 weeks or so until I go back to work (ugh, I don't even want to think about that yet!!)
Not much on the schedule this weekend. It is supposed to be nice out, so maybe we will get in a few walks and some outside time. We have finally opened up the windows and got some fresh air, but the humidity is supposed to return Sunday and we will be back to the AC I think. Enjoy your weekend!!
Kyle will be going back to work full time on Monday, and my mom will be coming up for a few days to help around the house. She has already volunteered to wash our windows, which hasn't been done for a long time so that will be nice. It has been nice having Kyle around these past two weeks to help out, and give me some time to shower/nap. That time is coming to its end though, and it will be Reese and I for the next 10 weeks or so until I go back to work (ugh, I don't even want to think about that yet!!)
Not much on the schedule this weekend. It is supposed to be nice out, so maybe we will get in a few walks and some outside time. We have finally opened up the windows and got some fresh air, but the humidity is supposed to return Sunday and we will be back to the AC I think. Enjoy your weekend!!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
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