Thursday, March 18, 2010


We are thinking pink now in the Montgomery household! :) Yesterday was our 20 week ultrasound and got the news that we will be having a little girl this summer. It was such an exciting day. I was very excited the whole day at work, and could not wait until 3:45 rolled around!

When we got to the ultrasound, we asked the tech if she could write the sex down on a piece of paper, so we could open it later on that night. When she double checked the sex, she shut off the monitor so we would not see. The ultrasound was much neater than my 9 week one. It was so neat to see our little girl moving around inside of me. At one point, I saw her punch her arm out, and I felt it at the same time...very cool! Kyle and I were both in awe at how you can truly see her body parts, and we even got a picture of her profile and her two little feet.

After we left the ultrasound, we headed downtown Madison to State Street to walk around and find the perfect spot to open up our paper. We enjoyed the BEAUTIFUL weather (60 degrees) and sunshine, even though there were a lot of college students thouroughly enjoying green beer on St. Patty's Day :) After walking for a while, we headed all the way up State Street to the Captiol building and saw all the people sitting on the hill of the Capitol in the sun...what a perfet spot! So, we walked up the hill, sat down, and I decided I wanted Kyle to open the piece of paper (while I video recorded it on my Flip). As he opened the paper, I was in SHOCK when I saw the word female, as was Kyle. We were both very happy and excited, but we both sat there in shock as we both thought it was a boy, for sure! After we opened the paper, we walked back down State St. and ate at the same restaurant (Tutto Pasta) we ate at when we found out I was pregnant. Such a wonderful day we will remember forever (and if not, I have it recorded) :)

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