Sunday, November 2, 2014


I know recently I've been blogging more about myself than the kids or the family, but, as many of you know, I've always liked to write, and I use the blog also as a way for me to decompress and jot down my thoughts about whats happening in life. Today's blog came to me while I was sitting in church this morning. It's All Saints Sunday, and our Pastor shared a great sermon with us. During the sermon, he alluded to the fact that is come way, we are all blessed- whether it be by good health, friends, family, etc. I sat back, and as I listened, I realized that wow, everything he just mentioned is spot on in my life. I am blessed in so many ways.
-Health: This past week I had a close friend (here in Fishers) text me to say she found a lump in her right breast. She is 32 with 3 girls under the age of 4.  I was shocked. I couldn't believe it and had a hard time sleeping that night, just thinking about what she must be going through. Her mammogram and ultrasound were set up for the next morning, so I waited to hear the news. Her appointment was over by 11;30 am, and she asked if I wanted to meet for lunch (the kids both had school that morning.) Luckily, the lump is most likely a fatty tissue that they believe to be non-cancerous. It fit all the criteria they believe to be non cancerous so at this time a biopsy was not needed- Thank god! I was so relieved to hear the news. Sitting in church today, I realized how blessed I actually am with good health, and the health of my family members. I am so lucky to have my kids, parents, sister, husband, and in laws in all great health.
-Opportunity: I have been blessed to have the opportunity to be able to stay home with my kids on a daily basis. Believe me, there are days I just wish I could have an office job and stare at a computer for 8 hours with no one interrupting me, but that's not very often. I get to see them grow and learn new things right in front of me. I am blessed that Kyle's job allows me not only to stay home, but to do fun things with them like the Children's museum, zoo, etc.
-Family: I got pretty lucky. Not only was I born into a great family, but I also married into one. A family that is always there for us, to help us move a gazillion times, to take our kids on short notice, and to be there for us no matter what. Blessed!
-Friends: Old and New. Not many people can say they have had a best friend since they were 18 months old :) Or can people say they are as close to their 4 college girlfriends today as they were 10 years ago their freshmen year of college. I'm pretty lucky to have all these ladies in my life that support me, love me, and who I can have the best time with, no matter how long its been since we have seen each other.

I could go on and on on ways that I am blessed in my life. I really did reflect today during the sermon, and was reminded that even when I'm stressed out because both kids are screaming as I put them in their car seats, or because we woke up late and I still have lunches to make for school, or when Preston throws a huge tantrum though all of Target because I didn't let him eat fruit snacks the entire cart ride, it will all be ok, because in the grand scheme of things, I am truly blessed.

We celebrate Kyle's birthday yesterday, and I have to say, he was one spoiled guy. I let him sleep in (until 10:00!) while the kids and I ran to get our favorite donuts from Tim's Bakery to surprise him with. We also went out for Mexican for lunch as a family, followed by a 2 hour nap in our house. He then woke up to open birthday presents from us, and then we had our neighbor come over to watch the kids while we went out for sushi and a trip to Target (romantic, I know!) But, it was actually FUN to walk around Target with him, kids free. We looked at Christmas ideas for family members, and had fun just walking and chatting :) Overall, a birthday success!

I couldn't resist this picture. Preston playing with 4 girls- forced to play jewelry dress up. Poor guy!

Halloween night. Cold, snowy, brutal weather- but the kids LOVED it!
Preston got the hang of it real fast, and we could barely keep up with Reese!

Trick or Treat!

 Reese with our neighbors, Elle and Reese

 After trick or treating, Reese got to hang with the big girls (Elle's friends) and do candy swap. She was in heaven :)

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