Tuesday, November 18, 2014

What Are You?

What are you....

Eating: To be honest, whatever I can whip up the quickest, or a crock pot meal. I haven't had much time to cook a good meal (and by good I mean a meal that takes more than 30 minutes!)We usually go to the YMCA around 4:00 after the kids naps, and I don't get home until 5:30 or so, and by 6:00, the kids are ready for dinner. I did Crock Pot Ribs tonight, we did Chicken Teriyaki last night, and as for the rest of the week, well I'm not there yet :) We usually cook better meals on the weekend when we have more time! One snack I'm eating alot of lately is hummus. A great alternative to a fatty- based dip. I pair it usually with pretzel chips (a fave of mine!) or with carrots.

Reading: A few things lately. I finished Gone Girl by Gilligan Flynn a few weeks ago and then went to the movie with a friend of mine. Great read and great movie! I then read her book Dark Places, another great read. I'm on the library list for another of her's- Sharp Objects. Right now, I am reading Looking for Alaska, a book by John Green (famous for A Fault in Our Stars.) So far, so good. I also have recently read Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist- which was a book for a book club that I am in. An easy read with lots of insights about life (it's a Christian book.)

Focusing on: Honesty is the best policy, right? Well, right now I am focusing on my children not killing each other. You may laugh at this, but it's true. We are in a phase where they, for the most part, just do not get along. This is leaving me with many feelings. As I stroll through Target and see other parents with two kids sitting blissfully in the cart together, laughing, and sharing the free cookie
Target has, I then snap into reality and look/hear my cart and realize the screaming at each other, calling each other names, stealing each other cookies, is my reality. Why, oh why, can't they just get along?!?! If they are within 3 feet of each other, someone is usually crying. I keep reminding myself, it's just a phase (I hope!) Preston just wants to play with Reese, and Reese wants nothing to do with him- which results in Preston antagonizing her even harder, making her more mad, and so on and so on. Daily. Thank goodness Reese goes to preschool so I have some parts of my day where I am not constantly keeping them separated, or feeling like I'm always scolding them. Ugh- ready for this to pass!

Excited about: The upcoming Holidays! Reese was just dying to get out Christmas decorations- so yes, I swore I never would- but we some of our decorations are out and its before Thanksgiving! She was willing to help decorate, so I jumped on that opportunity and had her help me a little on Sunday. I also have been Christmas shopping here and there, which is always the best part of Christmas for me! I just love the idea of giving things and seeing peoples faces when they open it! I am also excited about our upcoming trip to Mexico in 3 weeks for a friends wedding. This mom could use a beach, the ocean, and a cocktail - all while listening to anything but my kids fighting with each other :) It's also a special trip as my parents and sister and brother in law will be there as well. We are excited!

Doing to keep busy: What am I not doing to keep busy? Taking kids to school, playdates, going to the YMCA, my MOPS group every other week, my church playgroup every other week, going to the library, recently joined a book club with some women in my MOPS group, and started a bible study on Monday mornings while Reese is in preschool with 5 other moms. We are doing a study called  The Frazzled Female by Cindi Wood- but have only done week 1. I'll let ya know how I like it!
 I try to remember a quote from the Bittersweet book I just read "A filled life is not a filled calendar." Point taken! With that being said though, Reese also starts gymnastics back up the first week of December. She has been out of it since last May- but asks to get back in all the time, so- with winter here and us not being outside as much, I thought we could enroll again.

Watching; I just finished the second season of Orange is the New Black on Netflix, and am still watching How I Met Your Mother. Kyle and I finished Breaking Bad a month or so ago (my favorite show ever!) and I think we may start Scandal. Mind you, these are all streaming on Netflix.

So, there's a bit about what I've been upto- hope you stay warm this week. Fun fact: Today was the coldest day on record since 1976 for November. I think it was (with wind chill) -5 this morning. Since we have moved from Wisconsin, we have brought cold and brutal winters with us. UGH!

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