Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bumps in the road

The first 6 weeks postpartum were great. Then week 6 left me with some not so great memories :(

Last Tuesday, in the wee hours of the morning, my right breast began to get realllly sore and tender. I just figured I needed to feed her on that side soon, so my milk would let down. We tried and tried and my milk just was not coming in. At about noon, I was in so much pain, I decided to call the doctor. They told me to come in right away, which I did. They said I had Masitits. It is an infection in your breast tissue that you get from bacteria generally from the baby's mouth. It is common, and they put me on an antibiotic for 10 days. Within the first 24 hours, I felt so much better.

Fast forward to Saturday night (5 nights later). Kyle and I had a nice relaxing evening, watched movie, and drank a glass a wine. I went to bed around 10, and woke up at 11:30 and didn't feel very well. I thought maybe mixing my medicine and a glass of wine was not the best idea, so I figured it would pass. As the next hour went on, I kept getting worse. My stomach hurt more and more, and now I was having chest pain and difficulty breathing. I let it go for about another half hour and then decided to wake Kyle and have him take me to the ER. Reese was such a trooper. She was woke up from a deep sleep, and took a bottle in the car on the way there. Once there, they did an ultrasound to check my gallbladder...that was ok. They also did a cat scan to check my appendix...that was ok. After 6 hours, pain medicine, and no sleep, it was concluded that I had an allergic reaction to the medicine I was on for Mastitis. Reese slept the entire time, thank goodness, and Kyle got a little sleep on the hospital floor as well. We finally left the hospital around 7 am Sunday morning. What a LONG night. We came home and Kyle took care of Reese while I got to sleep until about noon. I think I am still recovering today from the total lack of sleep of Saturday night.

They ended up putting me on a new antibiotic, which I started taking Sunday. Last night, I was woken up by extreme stomach pains and pretty severe diarrhea . Again, a bad side effect to this new medicine. I called the doctor this morning, and we will see what they do. I was up from 2-6 this morning, so hopefully Reese sleeps today so I can too.

Yesterday one of the days I have actually felt ok. We went to the Brewers/Cardinals game with Kyle's parents in Milwaukee. It was such a nice day out! My mom came up to watch Reese while we were there, and she slept the entire day :) Luckily, she still slept most of last night as well.
So, week 6 has been pretty rough on me. Hoping this week (7) turns around!

Reese didn't go to the game, but showed her support from home:


  1. Oh my! I had no idea you were going through all this! Hoping you're feeling better this week and that all returns to normal.

  2. oh geez Kali, that doesn't sound like any fun at all! I hope you are feeling better!!
