Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Good or Bad?

Which do you want to hear first? Let's do the good. It is always better to start on a happy note :)

I had my 38 week appointment today and I am 2 centimeters dilated and my cervix is 50% thinned out! Much better news than I was expecting. I figured nothing has been going on down there :) But, as excited as I can be, I know that really, I could be dilated at 2 cm for the next 2-2 1/2 weeks. It was just nice to hear that there is some activity going on down there since we are zeroing in on our due date!

Now for the not so good news. For the past week or so, I have been seeing spots (as if someone took a picture of you in the dark, and you see the flash for a little while afterwards). It happens randomly, and last for less than 10 seconds. I get a little dizzy when it happens, so I just sit down and wait for them to pass. I asked my doctor about it today, and she said it could be a sign of preclampsia. Preclampsia is "a complex disorder that affects 3 to 8 percent of pregnant women. A woman is diagnosed with preclampsia if she has high blood pressure and protein in her urine after 20 weeks of pregnancy". Today, I did have high blood pressure :( My readings has always been in the low 120's over low 80's. Todays first reading was 144/90, and the second reading they did was 136/89. Both much higher than normal. So what does this mean? Well, I did more blood work today, and tomorrow I have to start a 24 hour urine sample. This means I get to pee in a jug for 24 hours...ugh! Then I turn the sample in on Thursday morning, and they test it for high protein levels. If in fact I do have high protein levels, I will be scheduled for an induction (since the baby is considered full term and there are no pre-mature risks involved anymore). So, lets pray that these tests come back negative. I really do not want to be induced, but I know that I need to do whatever to keep the baby safe and healthy.

On a lighter note again, my sister and the kids came down to visit Kyle and I this past weekend. We had a blast! It is so great to see them. Aidan is chatting away more than ever, and little Aubrey is not so little anymore :) She is filling right out and is smiling all the time!! It was also nice to get some last minute motherly advice and tips from my sister :) For the details of the weekend, check out my sister's blog- http://www.finnlandnewsandnotes.blogspot.com/.

1 comment:

  1. I had high blood pressure for the last 4 weeks or so of my pregnancy. They told me they wouldn't start to worry until my bottom number of my blood pressure was over 100. I did see some spots here and there, but not like you were/are. Keep those feet up and drink lots of water is what they told me. I hope everything turns out with the urine analisys and you don't have to be induced.
