Friday, September 20, 2013

Knock on wood

This past week I had a friend over with her two kids for a playdate. We were talking about how her kids just got over bad colds, and I was telling her that since I have been staying at home, the kids have had few run ins with colds/sickness. During that moment, I should have turned to the table and knocked on wood. The next day (Wednesday) Reese woke up with a stuffy nose and hoarse voice. Today, she is still stuffy, and I am hoping it doesn't go into her ears like it did last month and cause a double ear infection. Technically, I should have double knocked on wood- one for Reese and one for Preston- because in the middle of the night last night I wake up to a gagging sound on the monitor, only to find Preston throwing up in his crib. Yuck. Not going into details there, but luckily it wasn't a ton, and he didn't seem to mind or understand what happened, and wanted to lay back down after I changed his sheets and cleaned him up (this is the first time he has ever had a stomach bug.) I lay back down, start to drift to sleep, and hear him coughing again. Great- back again to him getting sick some more. I change the sheets once again, clean him up, and he still doesn't seem to mind- and wants to lay down and go back to sleep. At this point, I had been up for over and hour and half, and was now having a hard time falling back to sleep. I finally drifted off around 5:30 am (after waking at 2:40), only to hear Reese come out of her room at 6:20 awake for the day. Luckily, Preston woke around 7:30- and has not gotten sick again, but does have a slight fever. I'm hoping none of us get his bug, and we stay clear this weekend. Next time I make a blanket statement, I'm knocking on wood.

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