Monday, May 21, 2012

26 weeks

I had my 26 week appointment today. I also had to do my gestational diabetes test (1 hour), and I will get the lab results back this week sometime. Baby's heart rate is good (150) and I am measuring at 25 weeks (1 week smaller than I am.) My doctor also told me that I will be needing to do 2 more ultrasounds in the upcoming months. It turns out that at my last ultrasound (the one to determine if I had a band or not), they actually noticed that the umbilical cord is not connected at the middle of the placenta (which it should be.) It is connected on the lower half, meaning that the blood supply to the baby is not as great as if it were connected in the middle. So, we have to keep an eye of his growth and monitor it through further ultrasounds. I was already a bit worried when she said I measured a week smaller than I am, but she said that is no concern of hers right now. My next ultrasound will be in a few weeks, and we will monitor the growth better at that point. The only reason they would have to "take action" is if the ultrasound showed that his growth is not increasing. She said many times the cord connection on the lower half of the placenta means that the baby is still growing,  but just at a slower pace than a "normal" baby, so I may end of up having a tinier baby than I did with Reese (that's ok with me, since she was almost 9 lbs!!!) If my amniotic fluid were to drop, or again, if he was not growing at a decent pace, then we would discuss options (we didn't even go into that, so I don't know what "options" she means.)

In other news, I had a FABULOUS girls weekend in Chicago with my friends. We did a spa day (manis/pedis), went to a winery, out for dinner, and then had a great night catching up with each other. We also hit up the outlet mall on Sunday morning (always a plus!) I will be seeing them more this summer since 2 of them are getting married this fall...lots of bridal showers in store! This upcoming weekend is packed full. We have visitors coming up and we are headed to the Dells to soak up some sun and play in the water!

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