Monday, December 6, 2010

Time to Eat!

Last week we had Reese's 4 mo appt. Here are her stats:

Weight: 15 lbs (74%)
Height: 25.5" (86%)
Head Circumference: 40.9 cm (43%)

So she is a healthy little girl. When the nurse came in to give her shots at the end of the appt, she said "6 mo shots for this little one?" haha. Nope, 4 mo old! She is not "fat" by any means, just longer girl who looks older than 4 mo old!!

The dr. also said we could start trying rice cereal when I felt like she was ready. So, yesterday we gave it a go, and she loved it! I started out with only a couple bites in the afternoon, and she sucked those down in no time. It was so funny to watch her eat off of a spoon! Then before bed we did a little more, and she gulped that down as well. So, I guess she was ready. She then slept 8 straight hours last night...yahooo!! That was the best sleep I have had in months!!! Not sure if it was related to the rice cereal, or if she has a cold and was wiped out, but I'll take it either way :)

She is a little rolling machine now. When I was making her cereal yesterday in the kitchen, I went back in the living room only to find her on her stomach (I laid her on her back before I walked out of the room). She also has been doing a great job in her exersaucer. She loves to stare at all the toys around her.

I'm hoping to take her to see Santa this next weekend at a local library. I looked online and found out that to take her to the mall, it is $20!!!!! What a rip off. So, I had some suggestions from friends on places to go, and that is what we will do either some night this week or on Saturday.

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