Saturday, November 20, 2010

This Way?

I had to chuckle yesterday. Kyle had the day off, so he decided to keep Reese at home with him and have a father/daughter day. I am always happy when she gets to stay home with one of us, so I was excited for them. I called during my lunch break and things were going very smoothly. When I got home, I had a pretty good chuckle only to find out that Reese's shirt was on backwards, all day long. I said to Kyle "Do you notice the flower that is on her back?" He said "Yea, I wondered why that was there!" We had a pretty good laugh.

Last night Kyle's mom came up and spent the night so Kyle and I could go to the Comedy Club in downtown Madison with a group of friends. I am on their email list, and randomly won 10 free tickets to a show of my choice. So, three other couples and us enjoyed the evening out. The comedians were actually pretty good. Two of them have been on HBO specials. It was a great stress reliever after a long work week. Today Kyle will be listening to the Lena-Winslow State Playoff Football game on the radio. If they win, he plans on making the trip down to the state championship game next Friday. Lena was always a rival of Pearl City's in sports, but it is nice to see a local team go that far in the playoffs. Kyle's cousin also plays for the team, so we wish them the best of luck!!

I am looking forward to a short work week next week and getting to spend time with family for Thanksgiving. It is always nice when everyone can get together!

1 comment:

  1. Wait until the day you get home and she's in a bold striped shirt and random plaid shorts.
