Last weekend we went down to Dubuque for a family friend's wedding. It was great to catch up with all of my high school friends, and see some that I haven't seen in years. Every one's lives are changing with marriages, babies, and new jobs. It was great to see what everyone is doing these days. Kyle's parent's came up and stayed at our house with Reese, so Kyle and I enjoyed the "adult focused" evening :)
Work is going well, for both Kyle and I. We have seem to have gotten in to somewhat of a "schedule" with Reese now with daycare. We get home around 4:30 pm from daycare, she takes a nap, wakes around 7, eats, and goes to bed around 8:30 p.m. She is waking twice in the night (around 1 and 4:30) and goes to daycare with Kyle around 8:30 am. My mastitis is gone (once again) and I have been pumping to keep my milk production up. Until yesterday, I was dumping it every time since I was on antibiotics, but now I have begun to save it again. I had enough milk in the freezer to make her bottles for daycare, but we ran out yesterday, so good thing I am able to start saving it again. I am still mixing her bottle (2 oz. formula, 3 oz. breast milk). She just doesn't want to take the bottle when it is all 5 oz of breast milk. I figure some is better than none, so I'll make whatever she will eat :) I am hoping to keep up pumping for another month or so, and then I will try starting her on rice cereal (around 5 1/2 mo.) I will probably be done breastfeeding when she will start taking cereal.
Our little monkey is almost 4 mo old (on the 24th). Here are some things I have noticed recently:
When giving her a bottle, she now likes to try to "hold" it. She puts both hands on it, but can't quite grasp it on her own yet.
Her neck is SO much stronger than even a few weeks ago. She can lay on her tummy with her head up for about 20 minutes, and like to "pull" herself up when you lay her down in your arms. She is also now able to sit in her Bumbo seat all by herself, and her neck is in complete control.
She is now "batting" at toys in front of her, and if we put a toy in her hand, it goes straight up to her mouth. She has also begun drooling more, which is a sign of early teething. I bet those teeth that are deep in her gums have begun their decent to the top. I am not looking forward to the teething days.
LOVE that pic of her in the Bumbo!