Thursday, September 13, 2012

A bit of a difference

I was reflecting back yesterday on how Reese was when she was 3 weeks old, and I have noticed some differences between Reese and Preston. Let's start with the obvious. Reese is a girl, and Preston is a boy. That being said, I have been peed on a couple of times in the middle of the night with Preston, and that clearly never happened with Reese. All of a sudden in a sleepless haze, a waterfall shoots straight up catching me off guard in just enough time to get the diaper on him again. I think I am mastering the tactic of changing him faster and keeping him covered the entire time :)
Here are some other differences between the two.
1. Reese NEVER spit up, ever. I never had to use burp rags or bibs with her, and rarely did I have to make sure I got a burp out of her. Preston is the exact opposite. He spits up constantly. If I don't burp him, it is much worse, but even with burping, he spits up all day long. I have done some research and am already trying different things to try to help. Right now, I am avoiding tomatoes (as they say the acid in them can make babies spit up more.) I have also had him sleep in the swing one night to see if elevating him helps, but right now I am just trying to do a process of elimination to see if he may have a food sensitivity, or if he may have some reflux issues (or if he is just a spitty baby!) Either way, he is never without a bib or burp rag.
2. Reese was gassy, but not to the point of pain. Preston cries when he has to pass gas, making me think it was something I ate that is bothering his tummy. Again, I am now remembering and watching what I eat to see if it may be due to a food sensitivity.
3. Preston LOVES the swing. He will sit in it awake or asleep. Reese wouldn't last more than 5 minutes in there before she cried to get out.
4. After eating in the middle of the night, Preston goes right back to sleep. Reese would stay awake for another hour or so, keeping me up much of the night. With Preston, he is eating about every 3 hours, giving me 2 hour stretches of sleep (since the actual feeding takes about an hour with a diaper change.)
5. Preston likes to sleep on his side in his crib. Reese wouldn't lay down to sleep for the first 5 months (she slept in a bouncy seat!) Not making that mistake again!
In general, Preston is a very content baby, just as Reese was. I would say Preston probably fusses more than Reese did, but Reese literally never cried for the first 6 months, so his little bouts of fussiness are nothing compared to what I am sure some babies are like. I think I am pretty lucky thus far with him!

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