Saturday, March 3, 2012

Guess Whoo?

Reese will be! We are expecting baby #2 around August 26th! Much to our surprise, and much of our family's, we found out the beginning of January that we will be adding to our brood. I have not had the same easy pregnancy as I had with Reese. Nausea, a little vomitting, and a lot of exhaustion have gotten the best of me these past 14 weeks, but hopefully it subsides soon so I can enjoy round 2. Reese knows there is a baby in mommy's belly, and one day thinking it is a boy, and the next day a girl :) We are excited for the middle of April when we will actually know the gender!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I am also anxiously awaiting mid-April to find out if this will be a boy or a girl.
