Wednesday, November 23, 2011


The approximate hours I worked this week -12- (supposed to be 24). Why? Poor Reese and I just cannot get healthy! I went to urgent care on Saturday and have a sinus and ear infection. Reese spiked a fever Saturday afternoon and did not break it until Monday morning. I took her to the doctor on Monday and she has a sinus infection also. The doctor put her on Augmentin this time and fore warned me of some dirtier than normal diapers as a side effect. Today while at work I get a call telling me Reese is having a reaction to her medicine. Luckily I am only about 500 feet away from her, so I went over and sure enough, hives all over her chest and back and super puffy eye lids :( So, back to the doctor we went and she has a temporary allergy to Augmentin. He wants to wait until she is older to have her tested before we declare it an allergy but she will not be given Augmentin in the mean time. Man, what a week. I am so thankful that it is a 3 day week and we have 4 while days to relax and recover. I am feeling much better, and I hope now Reese will begin to also. Kyle started coming down with what he thinks is a cold last night, so hopefully it does not progress into anything but just that.
Tomorrow we are headed North to my sister's house for Thanksgiving weekend. I just love watching Reese with Aidan and Aubrey now that they all like to play together. We will be eating and drinking our fair share, making Christmas cookies on Friday, and going to the Illinois V. MN football game on Saturday. Sounds like a perfect weekend to me! We have so much to be thankful this year~Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

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