Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Jolly Green Giant

Aidan, Reese, and Aubrey

2 little cutie pies :)
Aubrey 10 mo., Reese 6 mo.

This past weekend (while Kyle was in Nicaragua for a friend's wedding) Reese and I headed North to visit my sister and her family. We made the trek with my friend Jennie, and her almost 2 year old daughter, Ada. Jennie's parents live about 10 min from my sister, so it worked out nicely. We had no major meltdowns or catastrophes, and the girls traveled great.

We had a nice weekend with the family. I always get a kick out of Aidan and all the new things he has learned since I have seen him last. This time, it was his ability to question everything, even a question :) He has a very inquiring mind and wants to know how everything works and the reason anything happens. Aubrey is a little chatter box and is on the move, crawling about and watching Aidan romp around the house. When I say Aubrey is little, I mean it! She is this little cute petite girl, and this is why I reference Reese to be the Jolly Green Giant (not quite a Giant) but bigger than Aubrey. Aubrey is 4 mo older than Reese, and Reese is more "solid" that Aubrey. Her hands are twice the size, and I even feel like she weighs more.

I got the chance to take Aidan to Kyle's hockey game on Saturday afternoon while Courtney stayed home with the girls. I had a blast with him. He was so funny, telling me about all the "rules" of hockey, of which I have no clue. It was neat to hear his interpretation of the game.

Little Miss Reese has not been sleeping well since this weekend. At first, I attributed it to being in a different place over the weekend. Then we we were home Sunday night, she was up multiple times, crying and hard to console. I know she can make it through the night w/out eating, so I figured she was not waking up due to hunger. Monday night and last night were just as hard. We were up about every hour and half last night. I would let her "cry it out" for about 30-40 min, and she still was not going back to sleep. We just stopped her ear infection medicine this past Saturday, so it had me wondering if it could be another one. I took her to the dr. today, and both ears are just fine. Thank goodness. Her bouts of night waking must be due to either teething or growing. She has her two front bottom teeth popping through, and she has also gained about 1 lb. since Feb. 1st. (She was 16 lbs 7.5 oz on Feb 1st, and was 17 lb 5 oz today). I can just hope that tonight goes a little smoother. I have become "afraid" of the night again like I was the first weeks of her life when she woke every 2 hours to eat. In the words of my mom "Oh the joys of parenthood!" :)

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