Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Spoke too soon

Doesn't it always appear that you speak to soon, and jinx yourself? Well, it happened to me. I just posted about Reese getting a stomach bug and us dodging that bullet, but it appears not. Last night before bed Preston said he didn't feel well, and sure enough, he woke up an hour later and had gotten sick in his bed. He got sick a few more times, and we were finally able to get to sleep around 1:00 am. I did two loads of laundry and cleaned carpet during that time, not what I imagined my Tuesday night would be. But, he is on the mend, and has rested up today. Still not a ton of energy, but has had toast and his stomach seems to be settled. He really doesn't want to miss his Valentine's Day party at preschool tomorrow, and it's looking like he will be able to make it.

Sick day board games
 If you know Preston, you know the child REFUSES to wear sweat pants/comfy pants. Even on a sick day, he won't wear them! The kid and his jeans...

Coincidentally, Preston has had a nasty cough going on day 9 now. I took him to the doctor Monday morning, and its just an upper respiratory virus going around lasting 7-10 days. He is SO  much better now, but still has it. His stats from the doctor appointment are 35 lbs 3.2 oz (67% tile) and 40.6" tall (87%tile) Little bugger is having a rough week!

Zika, Zika, Zika. That's all we have been hearing about, right? With me being 32 weeks pregnant, and Kyle having traveled to Brazil and now Mexico (two Zika identified countries) I have called the nurse today and asked about my risk and/or any further steps I may need to take. She is going to talk with the providers tomorrow and let me know. I'll keep you updated. 

Praying we all stay healthy for this weekend so we can go to my sister's place. Reese is dying to ice skate on their ice rink in their backyard, and Preston can't wait to play "shoot gun" (a.k.a nerf guns) with Aidan. Kyle comes home tomorrow, YAY!, so maybe I can get a little extra rest- last night wore me out!

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