Monday, April 23, 2012

22 weeks

22 weeks
I have entered my 22nd week and had my doctor's appointment this afternoon. While chatting about baby, the doctor casually brought up "so you will be having your 2nd ultrasound soon." Umm, what? Wait a minute. I only had a 20 week scheduled to find out the sex, and that was supposed to be it, unless their was a problem. Immediately, my heart sank into my stomach.. What did she mean another ultrasound? It appears that the pictures from the 20 week ultrasound showed a "band" on the lower part of my uterus. Uncommon, no.Usually, this "band" they see is caused by "debris" floating around that can appear to be a "band", when in all actuality, it is not so. But, they need to do another ultrasound next week (in which they forgot to call me and inform me of!) to make sure everything is ok. This "band" would do no harm to the baby developmentally. In very rare cases, if it turns out it is actually a "band" and not just "debris", they would do continual ultrasounds every 3-4 weeks until baby is born to make sure he does not get any limbs (i.e. hands, feet) stuck under the potential band. If that would happen, in worst case scenario, it would cut off circulation to the limb and cause the loss of the limb. In my doctor's 10 years of practice, she has only seen a baby get stuck under the band 1 time. And who knows, next week's ultrasound may reveal it isn't even a band at all (let's pray for that!!)

In other news, Reese is in full throttle toddler mode. She says "no" to everything, talks non stop (usually in her own little language), and is developing quite the head strong personality. She has also become very aware of emotions lately. I am pretty sure they use emotion words quite often at school, because she will come home and tell me who was "happy" and who was "sad" today :) The other day when I asked her how she felt (when she was throwing a tantrum over not getting juice) she told me "barrassed" (a.k.a embarrassed.) I think we have to work on that one.

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