Sunday, January 30, 2011

On or Off?

Reese has decided off, with her socks that is! Last week, she discovered the little game all babies discover, taking off their socks. It is much more fun to play with her toes than to keep her feet warm, according to her. I think pretty much every mom has at one point struggled trying to keep socks on their child's feet, and that struggle has begun for me :) She will pull her feet up to her mouth, grab on to her socks, and then kick her legs down, pulling off her socks in the meantime. She gets this huge grin on her face, and looks at me like "Look what I just did" and giggles. It is actually pretty cute, for now :)

We have been skyping with Kyle the past couple of days, as he is in Toyko, Japan for work. Reese does not quite get the concept of looking at him on the computer screen, but she looks all around when she hears him talk, trying to figure out just where he is. He is planning on returning to Madison tomorrow, if the snow holds off. Let's hope so!

Reese has begun to battle another cold. It seems as if they come one after another. All those germs at daycare will do that. We just finished her medicine for her ear infection on Friday morning, and by Saturday morning, she woke up congested with a runny nose. I am ready for Spring so she can be healthy for once!

We had a good weekend down at my parents. We caught up on some R&R and had fun playing with Nana and Poppa. In two weeks, when Kyle is in Nicaragua, we are heading up North to visit my sister, brother in law, and the kids. Should be a fun filled weekend! We have Reese's 6 mo appt (with shots) this Tuesday. I'm interested to see how long she is. She seems to be growing like a weed!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I totally feel for you with the ear infections (and the socks:)) Avery didn't start her ear infections until she started day care. I kept asking the Dr if there was anything we could do and he said, pull her from daycare, which he knew wasn't an option. I hope she doesn't end up with lots of them and needing tubes. Although, if she does, I have been VERY happy with Avery's tubes. Knock on wood, no ear infections yet and she had 8 within 9 months. Good luck with all that!
