Saturday, November 16, 2013

Week Re-cap

Well it was an interesting week, to say the least. While Kyle and I tried to come with grips of losing a cat, it's not as easy to explain to a 3 1/2 year old who loved him dearly. Everyday, she still asks when he is going to come home, and still wants to go out looking for him. I have to remind her that Sunday is in kitty heaven. Without giving her too many details, we still wanted her to know what happened- so we told her he got an owie on his body, and had to go to sleep to make it feel better. Now he lives with God and a bunch of new kitty friends in heaven. Usually when I remind her of this, she starts to cry and says she wants to go see him in heaven, not quite understand what it all means. That might be the toughest part for me. She also is not understanding why our other cat, Jack, is still here, and why he wouldn't want to go be with Sunday. Every night before bed, she includes Sunday in her prayers, and always asks for him to come back. Breaks my heart. I have also heard he tell people this past week (usually when we see someone walking a dog, or pretty much anyone) that she has two cats, Jack and Sunday. I can't bring myself to remind her that now she only has one.  Someday we will get to that point.

I also joined the local MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)-(but really moms of kids ages birth-kindergarten) group this week. I have been on the waitlist since the end of August, and got a call last week that I was able to join. It is held every other Friday morning form 9-11:30, so we went yesterday. They have daycare for the kids, so I dropped them off and had a great time at the meeting. There is probably about 50 moms that are part of the group, and there are 10 tables with 5 moms at each. You sit with the same group each time- and do things outside of the meeting with the moms at your table. I am lucky that 3 of the other moms at the table are about my age with kids around the same ages as well. They told me they try to do play dates on Tuesdays- so we are looking forward to that, and meeting more moms in the group.  I haven't met to many other moms that I have connected with that I call "friends" so hopefully this is a chance to meet some!

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