Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Last Thursday, I had my 34 (1/2) week appointment. Baby girl is stronger than ever. Her heartbeat was in the 140s and she is moving all around the place. I can tell she is putting on some pounds now, because instead of her doing "somersaults", she now has more patterned movements. She will kick and "punch" me in about the same spots every time, which means she has less and less room in there to move and flip around! Her movements are also much more exaggerated, and at time, startle me. I have only had one kick that actually hurt (because it was right up by my ribs). I had a co-worker ask me about weird cravings I have been having the other day, and to be honest, I haven't really. The only thing (since my sour craving back in month 4 and 5) is my strong craving every morning when I wake up to drink a big glass of orange juice. Literally, while I'm getting ready for work, my mouth starts to water just thinking about drinking orange juice. Other than that, no strong food cravings thus far.
Friday night Kyle and I took advantage of the nice weather and went out for a round of golf (well, Kyle golfed, I rode in the cart). We woke up early Saturday morning and headed downtown to the Madison Farmers Market by the Capitol. It was such a nice day out! In the afternoon, we headed to the pool with some friends, which was amazing. My first poolside experience this summer.
Sunday was full of house cleaning, and taking a tour of St. Mary's Hospital (where I will be delivering). It was nice to see where we will be going, what the rooms are like, and how to navigate around the hospital when I go into labor. The tour made it that much more real that baby girl will be joining us sooner, rather than later! (5 more weeks!!!)
Kyle and I both took personal days yesterday. Why? Well, because after you have a baby, I don't for see any real "personal" days in the near future. So, I took full advantage of my day off and headed to the pool with my friend Jennie. Kyle spent his day golfing with a friend of his. I also worked on the baby's room a bit more, and got a things a little more organized in there.
Overall. a very relaxing, yet productive weekend. I loved every minute of it!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Baby Shower
The cake
The awesome fruit baby carriage Kyle's mom made.
I have my 34 week appointment tomorrow (unbelievable). That means I only have 5 1/2 weeks left. I know I have said it many times before, but where does the time go? I am very excited for Baby Girl to arrive, but I can't believe it is almost time!
Many people at the shower asked me if we have a name yet. The answer is....No. We have our list narrowed down to 3 or 4, but are quite indecisive now at this point. I have a name I really like, but I am busy selling Kyle on it. He is doing the same with me. He has a favorite, and neither one of us is ready to budge yet :) Guess we will see....
We have our last pre-natal class tonight. I guess that means we are ready to be parents, right? HAHA. I do feel more prepared though after taking the class. I think we both learned things that we did not know or realize before.
We are ready to slow down the pace of our life here now. Gearing up for baby (who could come at any time), we are taking the month of July off (from plans every weekend) and enjoying baby free time while we can. I am hoping to relax as much as possible and enjoy some time with Kyle before we add a third member to our family :) We have a nice, relaxing July open with nothing much planned for the weekends. My sister and the kids are coming down to visit in the middle of July to bring some baby items, but that's about it. Now with me being more uncomfortable, we are going to be traveling as little as possible. I'm quite excited to enjoy this next month.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Wedding Weekend

Saturday, June 5, 2010
Bargain Shoppers
In the middle is a Baby Gap onesie that says "little peanut" which was never worn, 3-6 mo. (for $1.00)
Below is a my 31 week picture. (Taken right after we got done garage saling, so I may look a little ragged) :) I can't believe I am stepping into my 32nd week already. Baby girl will be here before I know it.