Sunday, October 4, 2015

A New Post!

2 months later- time for catch up. I'm going to try and summarize the last two months in the easiest way possible- a list of events that have occurred since my last post when we were headed to Argentina for my birthday in August.
-Preston's 3rd birthday was celebrated while we were gone. We were sad to miss it with him, but he was with grandparents and I'm sure had just as much fun (or more) than if we were there.
- On August 25th- we closed on our house in Fishers, IN. On August 26th, we closed on our house in New Glarus and moved in that day. What a whirl wind. I am crossing my fingers its the final move for us. I reallllly hate moving. But, I am happy to say the last of the boxes have finally been unpacked, and I think we are now pretty settled in and feeling like its now our home.
-On September 1 Reese started Kindergarten! She was SO excited and gets to ride the bus to school in the morning (I pick her up in the afternoon.) She LOVES school and is adjusting well to a full day.
-On September 8 Preston started preschool. He goes 3 days a week for 3 hours in the morning. He also loves school, and is very content there since they have tractors he can play with.
-On September 14 I began watching my friend Leslie's baby, Hudson, who is 5 months old. I watch him on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9-2. Leslie owns her own recruiting business and works from home- so Ill help her out part time and the other days they have a nanny come to their house.  He is such a good baby and Preston love him too!
-On September 19 Reese started soccer. Let's just say its not her favorite sport. At all. She is not a fan of it, so we will will finish out the 6 week program and move on to something else. She really wants to go back to doing gymnastics, so that will probably be our winter activity for her.
-Last weekend, the kids and I trekked up to my sisters house for a fun weekend. Kyle was gone for EIGHT days in Argentina for work, so it was the perfect time to take off and have some fun. We did an Art Park, Apple Orchard, and the Zoo. It's so nice to be able to hop in the car and go visit for the weekend!
-Yesterday Kyle's family came up to visit and we went to a pumpkin patch in Mt. Horeb, about 15 minutes north of New Glarus. We took a hay ride, picked out pumpkins, had apple cider donuts, and got to play in the kids activity area. A good, but windy and CHILLY, day!

Update on the house. We are currently in the process of updating our kitchen. I have been getting quotes for new countertops, cabinets, and a sink. I am hoping to have it complete by Christmas. We are also going to be painting all of the bedrooms. Other than that, just minor things here and there we want to do to make it our own, but for now, those are the two big projects we will be tackling.

Short and sweet but I think that has us mainly up to date. Ill get back on track to blogging more regularly now!

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