Wednesday, October 15, 2014

It's all mental

Well, ok, not all mental. I'm talking about my running adventure. I have slowly been upping my distance since I blogged last week, and I DID IT! I made 5.01 miles today. I was so proud of myself :) This is the furthest distance I have run possibly in my entire life. I think I am on the right track to this mini marathon (13,1 miles) next May. I have to say, the mentality of it has a lot to do with the distance you run. Don't get me wrong, you have to be "semi" in shape to just go run 5 miles. Endurance wise and strength wise (my legs were getting pretty weak by the end.) But I really feel like your body"adjusts" to the distance if you take it slow. I am not running this for a certain "time" per say, but anything around 9 min miles is pretty good for me. I am using this blog to hold myself accountable- so you will probably see various posts each week on my progress- hope you don't mind going on this journey with me! :) Proof of my run-

Yesterday while Reese was at Pre-K, Preston and I went to Conner Prairie (a historical settlement) in Fishers where they have so many neat things for kids to do (think Discovery Center type of activities.) They also have a 5 and under section for kids to explore, so we generally head there every other week or when it rains and we can't play outside. Here are a few pics from our morning yesterday.

In the reading "tee-pee" checking out all the books

Making blanket forts with the bigger kids

My partner in crime yesterday -a pretty cute partner I must say :)

Last but not least, Izzy and I graduated from her Novice dog class last night. She already did Puppy Kindergarten at Dog Dayz in Fishers and now I did training with her at First Friends K-9 Academy. I really enjoyed this 8 week class with her. I learned a ton of stuff and she listens to me so much better. I would love to take the advanced class with her, but I'm going to take a few weeks off right now. Last night was graduation, and Reese and Kyle tagged along and watched as Izzy and I got to show off everything she learned. Reese LOVED seeing all the dogs (both classes combined last night so there were 38 dogs there!)

I spy Izzy! This was just half of the dog class and one of our main exercises. Getting the dogs so sit, stay, and not bother the other dogs. It took a lot to get them to this point, but overall we succeeded! Izzy did great! It was kind of amazing to see 38 dogs all sitting (away from their handlers) and not moving- a little training can go a long way!

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