Monday, April 9, 2012


We had a great Easter yesterday with both sides of the family up for a late lunch at our house. I am pretty sure everyone was tired of hearing Reese say "more candy" by the end of the day :) She sure loves her chocolate :) We had a mini egg/candy hunt with cousins Maddy, 7, and Mekenna, 4. Reese loves watching the "big girls" run around and following them in whatever they are doing.
Reese has had a cold since Thursday and it was turning into a green, snotty nose with lots of congestion, so I took her to the doctor this afternoon thinking it was a sinus infection, while it turns out a double ear infection :( So glad I took her today and we got meds as we fly to Denver on Friday for vacation. That would have been horrible for her had I not caught it! We are also excited this week because we find out the sex of the baby on Wednesday! Any guesses??

Here are some pictures from our Easter Sunday:

"Hey, look what I found!"
Super excited about Easter!
Just taking her "easter bunny" for a stroll down the block :)

1 comment:

  1. Kyle says girl. I agree, but am hoping for a boy to even things out. : )
